Monday, November 29, 2010

Things I am Thankful For

my wonderful wife
my family
my friends
my horses
my cats
learning new things
people who show me grace
my pastors
the special friends who have taken time to come visit us this year
for the friend who chooses to take us to NU football games
that we can hope in Jesus
that God has grace with me when I make stupid decisions
for having more than enough
for God being patient with me
God working out the details for me to have a job
that I can run and jump and move without pain
that we feel healthy
that Shelli got over her bad illness
that I have God's Spirit living in me
that we have resurrection power
that we know the one true God and have the privilege of sharing him with others.

Thanksgiving at Grandma's

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! I love being thankful the entire month of November and I really love Thanksgiving. Every year to celebrate Thanksgiving we go to my Grandma Ardyce's. I am really thankful for her amazing ability to host our entire family. I have decided she makes the best turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and dressing of anyone's I have ever tasted. I love it! But there are other things that I love about getting together with this family.

Before the meal, grandma has each person gather in a circle, we hold hands and pray... but before we pray we go around and say what we are most thankful for this year. It is so wonderful to hear what other people are thankful for and to be given the opportunity to thank God for all he has done. This year I was most thankful for God's sustaining grace. It has been a while since I have really felt like I need him in this way. That he is all that I need and that he will sustain me when I feel so depleted.

I am also so thankful that my Grandpa and Grandma Johnson always focused on the spiritual significance of holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. It makes it so much more meaningful to celebrate with this side of the family as none of the other family get togethers we attend focus on the Lord or his amazing provision in our life.

The other very special thing about the Johnson side celebration's is they are tons of fun! We have a blast. My aunts and uncles and cousins love well, and we all love to laugh and have a good time. It is a jovial experience. We enjoy being together and it is very comfortable. It is heart warming and something I look forward to so much!

I hope we can continue this tradition for many years... and I hope our kids love their aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents as much as I love mine! Thanks for the special Thanksgiving memories Grandma:) I love you.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Grandma Mary

My Grandma Mary is very special to me. She is a lovely lady and I love her dearly. I remember her being a good grandma while growing up, but our relationship really changed when I went to college. That's when she became a wonderful friend.

Grandma is great one on one, but I can't really remember her being good at hosting her entire family. I think it stressed her out.

During college Grandma was a stable supporter of my endeavors. I could call her at midnight while studying or if I was struggling with something. She would be awake and ready to talk. She was available to listen and help in anyway she could. That's one thing I love so much about her, she makes herself available.

She was also a huge financially support to me. Her generosity really softened my heart and made me want to give back to her in ways that blessed her. I look back with such fondness at the ways she helped take care of me. I thank the Lord for how he used her to show his hand of provision.

Grandma always filled my car up with gas on my way back to Lincoln, then later when I moved to Manhattan, and finally Colorado. I could make that tank of gas stretch for weeks. I had a knack for putting in just enough gas to get home from college. Driving in on fumes before I stopped to see her and got that tank filled again:)

Another tradition I remember with great fondness is back to school shopping. She would plan a trip to Norfolk to her chiropractor or eye doctor. If I took her to her appointment we would end up at the Mall where she needed some "hose." Her hose would cost her $10 and my jeans, shoes, shirts, and underwear another $200. She was so generous at a time when $200 seemed like a fortune.

I have fond memories of her supplying other needs too. During my early years at UN-L, I was foolish with my parking and got a couple of tickets. I didn't have the money to pay for them. I decided I would give plasma. My Mom and Grandma wanted nothing to do with that so they both sent money to bail me out.

Grandma loves to give when she sees a need. She got tired of Aric and I doing dishes by hand in Manhattan and a dish washer was purchased and sent to our house! She felt our time could be spent better else where other than doing dishes. I can not count the number of people that dishwasher blessed!

When she came out to visit me in Colorado (that was a special trip, that I will share about later) she saw that I had no table and helped me purchase a beautiful oak table that I will treasure for many years. 3 of our home furnishings are hand me downs from our Grandma's. A couch and chair from Grandma Mary and a couch from Grandma Helen.

I have too many special memories to write about in one blog. But I will continue again about our Cruise and Colorado trips later.

I will finish by saying that words can't express how much I love my Grandma. I am saddened that her mind is giving away and changing the way she lives. I miss her old self and her dementia makes me sad... but at least I have been blessed with such a fabulous Grandma. One that I will always be thankful for no matter what!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I think everything should be a pasture

In my attempt to treat all parcels of grass like a pasture I killed my lawn. I don't like yard work. We over paid the neighbor boy to mow our lawn in Creighton. We didn't pay anybody to take care of the lawn here and it died. It was kind of a blessing for a while because we were out of money and didn't have a mower and didn't need to buy one! However, it caught up to us.

We want to thank my brother Chad for re-planting our lawn. Our underground sprinklers are tempermental so we didn't use them. It got too dry so the grass died. Woops. (My dad said, you can't kill a lawn it just goes dormant!) Nope, we killed it. Anyway, Chad confirmed my diagnosis and he replanted it with a more water conserving grass. I am thankful that he did this. Now I just would like to see it grow. Our soil here is of poor quality, but we are asking the Lord to bless it!

We are learning to use our touchy lawn watering system. Shelli and I generally do not like watering the lawn. Mostly because my boss overwatered their lawn and it seemed their life revolved around mowing a 5 acre lawn 2 days a week for countless hours. I guess there is a happy medium.

I did learn many new things about a sprinkler system... I was even told by the underground sprinkler person that I could have a weekend job now because I have fixed the system twice! Shocking for me to fix anything other than an animal!

New House Update

I really love our new house. We have a lot to be thankful for. After Shelli's 4 week battle with some weird infection she is back on her feet again so we are starting to actually get our stuff unpacked. I could have done it, but if you know her knack for making a place look legit you would understand why I haven't done anything. Shelli doesn't decorate by going to Pier One or Hobby Lobby or purchasing the latest Live, Laugh, Love piece or some other overdone cutesy saying. I am not trying to insult anyone here, just trying to communicate our style.

Shelli decorates with a unique flair that is not trendy. It transends time and you can't really say its from one time period or another. For example... She had me pick up an old cream can from our old farm place and she is using it as a fire place accent. Or better yet, she just got done refurbishing 2 pieces of furniture that were left out in the barn by the previous owners. Shelli turned them into a dining room buffet and a living room cabinet. I saw a piece just like it in Crate and Barrel for $1500. I am thankful that she can decorate for almost free. She does have a paint allowance that she seems to spend quite readily!

I guess I have contributed to the homeyness of our home in 2 ways... I threw out a 40year old couch one day and came home with a new one. I did the same with a chair. She liked my selection so my eye must not be too bad. I am thankful that the Lord gives us grace to spend money on couches when many cultures just sit on the floor. We did stuggle with that a bit. My conviction means we must use it to glorify the Lord. So come over and use it!

All in all our house is so much more comfortable than our last one. Shelli is working on our guest room as I write... because we want guests. The guest room is going to put her over her paint allowance so make sure you comment on her choice.

See you soon!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Finding a new church when you don't want to.

The last 3 years we have been so blessed by the people and pastors that make up Faith Community Church in O'Neill. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about moving on. We have developed special relationships there. When I think about our dear friend Steve Randolph, who is one of our pastors, and how He, his wife Michelle, and son Clayton have been such a blessing to us it makes it almost paralyzing to want to find a new church. Combine that with our love for pastor Paul Harder's messages and fellowshiping with our dear friends Bill and Terry Brady and Jerry and Dee Dee Doke it just makes it hard to find a new church. We have been driving the 1 hr and 30 minutes since moving to Norfolk. We know it is too far to drive for a long term basis... but due to some of the hard things going on in our life right now, we just aren't ready to let go full time! We will probably make the drive frequently over the next 6 months.

Thinking that Norfolk will be our home here on earth for a while, we decided to try a church here in Norfolk today. The service was okay. It will be the first church we attend of several before deciding on where to plug in.

My prayer is that we can find a church family that we love as deeply as our family at FCC. We would like to find a local body where we can see God working... where we can serve him mightily... where the people have a heart for people who don't yet know Jesus yet... a place that has a heart for the nations! Dear Lord, please give us a church family. Thank-you that we don't have to do life alone. Please be with us during this difficult transition. Thank-you we live in a country where we can easily find other beleivers. We love you daddy.

Friday, October 8, 2010

When Life Feels Hard

There are things in my life that really suck right now and it is hard to see God in the midst of it. It is the first time in my life that I can actually see why people would choose to give up on God. If I didn't really know God's character or had not been given the wonderful privilege of journeying with him for 20 years, I would be the first to tell God to kiss my ass and not live for him anymore. Right now it seems easy to give up hoping in him. I don't want to give up, because I know he is my only hope and I would be foolish to do so. Giving up seems easier than hoping for something you feel may never happen.

Despite my feelings, I need him! Today my prayer has been that my hope will abide in him. That I will continue to trust him, even though I hate the circumstance I am in right now... That I will love him and hope in him even when he doesn't give me the things my heart longs for. That I will fall so in love with Jesus that I live unashamed for him... living for his agenda not my own... and I want to be joyful with it:)

I wish that loving Jesus eliminated the heart ache. It sure doesn't, but it does give me someone to turn to. I don't want my heart to ache so bad that I turn from God and blame him. I want to put my trust in him. I have been struggling with the verse... "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4. I want to continue to beleive that he will come through... even though right now it is nearly impossible for me to think this verse is true.

Once again I ask- Lord, give me faith to beleive what you say you will do... Please prove to me again that your word is true. I love you Daddy. I am waiting for you to answer my prayers.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Top 14 differences between our houses

14. 1200 square feet VS 2900 square feet.

13. Barbed wire pastures that cut 5 of my horses up causing pain for the horses and grief and financial loss for me VS a new pasture fence made without Barbed wire!

12. Overhead lighting that did not work for 14 days straight until our landlord was able to repair the electricity VS full lighting in every room. (It could have been especially romantic for Shelli and I during the 14 day electrical hiatus, however our dear friend Aaron Wyatt was staying with us during this time... so we all made the most of it, had a good time and our guest was especially gracious:)

11. Our visitors will no longer be greeted by our beautiful rent-a-dog Jewel. To date, she has bitten both of my pastors, my mom, several friends, countless school children trying to solicit, and myself. We will be looking for a new dog that doesn't bite. We feel our guests deserve a warmer welcome. However, we always felt safe with her and were thankful for the years we rented her.

10. Built in 1898. Built in 2004/5.

9. Windows are caulked shut allowing no airflow VS new windows that open and close and have screens.

8. Shag carpet in shades of calf scour yellow, pea green, hunter orange, and brown... VS contemporary tile flooring and carpet. We are going to miss the loveley blend of earth tones in each room. HA HA

7. Brad manually pumping the septic tank every 2-4 weeks VS flushing the toilet and not worrying about how soon the septic tank will be full.

6. Opening the closet, drawer, or cupboard and seeing a beautiful spider web even though you recently bombed the house.. or even worse, seeing mice run in the aforementioned places! VS no mice and no bugs except a few flies and lady bugs.

5. Having to unplug the toaster in order to make coffee without blowing the breaker. Unplugging the coffee maker to run the microwave without blowing the breaker. Unplugging all appliances including the refrigerator, and chest freezer in order to vacuum in any room in the house in order to prevent blowing a fuse. (you get the picture) VS 4 outlights in every room, you can plug whatever you want in and run an appliance in all of them at the same time:)

4. Shelli drives 7 miles to work instead of 55 miles

3. 1948 water heater. One of the first ones ever made according to our plumber... with one burner coil left that worked, but unfortunately parts could not be found to fix... resulting in 3 minute warm shower by Shelli and 2 minute luke warm shower for Brad. VS steaming hot water, long showers, and enough hot water to have 10 guests and not run out:)

2. A Furnace that worked when it wanted, that had a thermostat that told the furnace to kick in occasionally when it reached 10 degrees below the set value... with a pilot light that went out and could not be reignited for reasons unknown to the electrician. The first 2 problems occurred daily, and the 3rd problem occurred monthly for the duration of our stay. VS a furnace that is 5 yrs old and keeps my office HOT and the mainfloor comfortable!

1. Snowing in a few inches in the bedroom during blizzards and not melting for 3 days. VS A cozy bedroom with no leaks in the wall:)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A New Chapter

God is writing a new chapter in our life. We have spent the first 2 years of marriage living in a century old farmhouse on an acreage outside of Creighton. I have known for a while that Creighton wouldn't be our longterm home, but we really liked it there and felt that God was very good to us. We love our church family in O'Neill and finding a new Church will be so difficult. We will have to refrain from comparisons because it will be impossible to replicate. If you have ever fallen in love with your Church you know what I am talking about.

Although I knew at some point we would be moving, my boss helped me on my way by laying me off. I was a so called "victim" of this recession. In retrospect, I feel like it was a blessing. I hope I continue to feel that way in the future. The clinic wasn't making as much money as it used to and my boss didn't know how to handle it in any other way than to terminate my position. I have to admit that it was kind of weird, because I am better at collecting money from my clients and generating small animal and equine revenue than my boss... but I was never asked to help solve the clinics financially woes. I was just asked to be taken off the payroll. Ultimately it was a shock, mainly because 4 months prior, my boss told me my job was secure as long as I wanted to work there.

After a lot of interviews and some job offers I decided to take the job at Shelli's clinic. This is such a HUGE answer to prayer. It was the last position offered to me. After 6 weeks of Brad searching for jobs, we were getting ready to accept positions in Iowa. Moving to Iowa would have been fine professionally, but we felt a huge tug to stay in closer proximity to our family and friends we love so much.

So, with my new job, I am trying to transition into the Veterinarian In Charge at Norfolk Veterinary Clinic within the next year. At this time, the clinic sees only small animals. I feel like this is a great fit for me. I was tired of shoving my arm up a the rectum of a bovine everyday and going out in to sub freezing temperatures all winter. I have become permanantly afraid of getting cold. I can not explain the dread in my heart that happened frequently at 2 AM, during a snowstorm, when the phone rang and the farmer on the other end said "Doc, I need you to come put a uterus back in. She shoved the whole thing out." I will write more about my large animal adventures later...

I am also excited to write about our new house we purchased. We have had our ups and downs with home ownership... but when we get a few kinks out of the way I think we are going to love it! We bought a house that will be great for hosting visitors... so please plan on taking us up on future invitations!

Were Back

We have been gone for a while. There have been a lot of things that we have desired to share but have felt hindered in doing so. I want to start blogging again as an account of what God is doing in our lives. This will let us go back and remember and praise Him for his faithfulness. He is blessing us in many ways and sometimes we go through some ick that just needs to be processed... I want to see how God brings us through these times. I am going to start.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowed In

This has been a winter to remember! We have been snowed in 3 times. The first time was on Christmas Eve. We decided to go home to my parents on Christmas Eve, even though nobody else made it home because of the storm. My grandma actually cancelled our Christmas celebration, thats how bad it was! My faithful Dodge Ram can bust quite a few drifts so we set out and made it home. Thanks to my truck, several people in Concord got to go to church on Christmas Eve:) There were only about 20 of us that could make it, but it was worth it! On Christmas morning we decided to try to make it home. But, I ran into a 7 foot tall drift that was 60 feet long. My truck went in about 5 feet. Whoops. I was scared we were going to get hit by a snowplow and I started to panic which is unusual for me. By the Lord's grace I had seen a huge tractor about a 1/4 mile back parked outside of a house when we drove by earlier. I called my parents and they called the farmer. He could not see me but he came and pulled us out. It was a white out. He later told my brother that we were in quite a sorry state when he found us:) I wish I had pictures. We were able to drive back to my Grandma's house and stay with her on Christmas day. The roads were closed for 2 days so we had a special long Christmas holiday with Grandma. My cousins live 2 houses down from my Grandma so they came over too and we had Ost Kaka. In fact, Grandma had food for 30 people prepared and it was now in the freezer, so we had our traditional Ham Ball Christmas meal. I learned a few things... Don't be stupid because you can die in a blizzard. When the news says the roads are impassable, sometimes they are telling the truth. And that God chose to faithfully take care of us even when I was a total idiot! It was no coincidence that this farmer was at the place he was with his huge tractor. He chose to drive it 6 miles to go to his brothers to celebrate Christmas- If he hadn't who knows what would have happened. I can smile now, but I won't forget Christmas 2009.