Monday, November 29, 2010

Things I am Thankful For

my wonderful wife
my family
my friends
my horses
my cats
learning new things
people who show me grace
my pastors
the special friends who have taken time to come visit us this year
for the friend who chooses to take us to NU football games
that we can hope in Jesus
that God has grace with me when I make stupid decisions
for having more than enough
for God being patient with me
God working out the details for me to have a job
that I can run and jump and move without pain
that we feel healthy
that Shelli got over her bad illness
that I have God's Spirit living in me
that we have resurrection power
that we know the one true God and have the privilege of sharing him with others.

Thanksgiving at Grandma's

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! I love being thankful the entire month of November and I really love Thanksgiving. Every year to celebrate Thanksgiving we go to my Grandma Ardyce's. I am really thankful for her amazing ability to host our entire family. I have decided she makes the best turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and dressing of anyone's I have ever tasted. I love it! But there are other things that I love about getting together with this family.

Before the meal, grandma has each person gather in a circle, we hold hands and pray... but before we pray we go around and say what we are most thankful for this year. It is so wonderful to hear what other people are thankful for and to be given the opportunity to thank God for all he has done. This year I was most thankful for God's sustaining grace. It has been a while since I have really felt like I need him in this way. That he is all that I need and that he will sustain me when I feel so depleted.

I am also so thankful that my Grandpa and Grandma Johnson always focused on the spiritual significance of holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. It makes it so much more meaningful to celebrate with this side of the family as none of the other family get togethers we attend focus on the Lord or his amazing provision in our life.

The other very special thing about the Johnson side celebration's is they are tons of fun! We have a blast. My aunts and uncles and cousins love well, and we all love to laugh and have a good time. It is a jovial experience. We enjoy being together and it is very comfortable. It is heart warming and something I look forward to so much!

I hope we can continue this tradition for many years... and I hope our kids love their aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents as much as I love mine! Thanks for the special Thanksgiving memories Grandma:) I love you.